"...There are a lot of nations in this world where people are kooky, but only America has the military outreach to project our kookiness onto the world. That is why more than any nation state, America desperately needs a military draft. Numb-skullism, when pertaining to family matters or animal rights or liver abuse, is small potatoes when compared to kickin’ the world’s butt.
....We need some high-grade cannon fodder. We need surly, condescending middle-class punks trained to the max in video combat who will instantly clog the wheels of military arrogance. We need those cocky, irreverent kids who as miserable soldiers know their career sergeant is dumber than mom’s brainless poodle. We need those thinkers who just can’t comprehend why our military bureaucracy is determined to sink their overweight body in some quagmire surrounded by killing fields. What we need in our military is a strrong contingent that can’t keep their foul mouths shut and have never seen a program they could just go along with.
And of course we need their parents, parents who contribute to the financial campaign of the local sleaze-ball politicians, who without hesitation will scream and threaten Mr. Corrupt if their little Johnny or Judy comes within 100 Starbucks of any war. And that blur that will blow you off the road and into the ditch, that would be mom headed to her Congressman’s office: “What the f_ _ _ (she hasn’t used that word since Richard Nixon was president) are we doing in that stupid Iraq, you moron Congressman? End this war yesterday if you want to be a Congressman tomorrow!”
We need middle-aged Americans who are closer to the power structure of this nation, who understand how to impact public policy and how to keep our military from sliding into more bloody foreign adventures where our nation's butt gets kicked. As we know, shopping at Macy’s isn’t stopping this war in Iraq.
The greatest resource and safeguard we have for stopping these foolish and wasteful wars that this country keeps returning to like a dog’s bone is to give middle-class Johnny and Judy a real stake in getting their posterior diplomas shot off. The fear that Johnny and Judy could be drafted to fight in some bizarre war will be enough to send their middle-class parents tripping into hysterical spasms with nasty public scenes that will accomplish more than getting them booted out the local country club.
People, it’s time to get serious. It's time to bring on the great middle class..."